Check what you have before you make changes
Faced with an imminent breakdown with the start of the Christmas season, Quru had to work fast to identify the causes why peak loads could not be matched. The peaks were high - a demanding core of fashion followers would hit within minutes of any offer or new design appearing - but not unbelievable.
L.K. Bennett use a standard web store solution, provided by a London data centre service - very similar to many other business. Quru examined the implementation, checking networking, server hardware and software logs before producing a report detailling what was going on.
Recommend and implement cost effective modifications
Quru’s report suggested a small number of simple modifications: virtual machine reconfiguration, memory redistribution, caching and the addition of on-demand extra services. All these recommendations were made within a few days at minimal cost and peak loads have not been an issue since.
Advise on key information strategies
Having helped L.K. Bennett with one technical issue, they approached Quru for longer term, strategic help. Quru’s consultants worked with L.K. Bennett on a number of projects included improving information on stock control and the development of an onmi-channel approach where customers would have the same experience in store or on-line with optimised delivery and a reduction of “out of stock” issues.