Flexible robust document management

Talisker Technology Solutions is a Colorado-based private company offering electronic document management software and services. Quru partnered with Talisker to develop their principal software offering, the BlinkEDM application, for less than the cost of licensing an existing and inferior system.

Talisker Technologies partners with Quru to develop Blink EDM in the US, a retail focussed electronic document management system that operates at massive scale.

Blink Electronic Document Management was designed, implemented, and is still supported by Quru since its first launch in 2008. This web-based application provides an electronic document archive and search facility, along with automatic document indexing from barcodes and 3rd party databases, a workflow system, and unattended imports from email, web, shared folders and scanners. It is highly customisable in terms of user permissions, workflow and document categorisation, to suit a wide range of businesses and use cases.

BlinkEDM has been deployed in a variety of different companies across the US, where users have praised its easy-to-use interface and consistent performance. Several sites are still running Blink in production after 10 years, with trouble-free document archives that run to many millions of documents.

About Quru

Quru was a market leader in the technical development, deployment and support of Linux and open source solutions that help organisations to reduce costs and increase operational agility and capability. It also developed multiple award-winning software solutions ranging from mobile phone apps to global enterprise systems.

Quru ceased trading in 2020.