For most companies, virtualization represents an evolving process of achieving greater data centre power and agility. As organisations consider second-vendor virtualization adoption to protect themselves from proprietary costs, open source is being seen as a viable alternative. KVM-based products such as Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization offer lower costs, higher performance, unmatched scalability and the capacity to virtualize mixed Linux / Windows environments.
This paper explores the journey organisations are taking from single source to multi-vendor virtualization and getting themselves ready to take advantage of the huge business capability opportunities offered by cloud technologies.
Virtualization is a key step on the path to increased technology and business agility and the vast majority of organisations are using it successfully. However, IT leaders are increasingly concerned about the cost and limitations of single-vendor supply. A survey by IDG Executive Research (Oct 201 1 ) amongst CIO’s and IT Managers, identified • 41 % expressed concern about single vendor lock-in • 43% were uneasy about the rising costs of proprietary, closed source virtualization, the meeting of SLAs and scalability.
Consequently, it is not a surprise that 51 % of companies experienced in virtualization are looking at vendor diversification to ensure high performance levels. And when they look at second source vendors, they choose open-source. Why? Well it is generally acknowledged that the functionality of Linux-based, open source virtualization is equal to that of proprietary solutions, delivering increased scalability, high performance and interoperability. In addition open virtualization solutions cost less than half as much as a closed source proprietary alternative
Quru is a market leader in the technical development, deployment and support of Linux and open source solutions that help organisations to reduce costs and increase operational agility and capability. We have also developed multiple award-winning software solutions ranging from mobile phone apps to global enterprise systems. Quru is based in Somerset House on the banks of the Thames, right in the centre of London. More...