Making complex Red Hat enterprise estates easily manageable

When it comes to simplifying the management of your Red Hat estate, Red Hat Satellite 6 simplifies a universally held challenge. Every organisation struggles with increasingly complex patch and configuration management which, when addressed manually, takes time and increases costs.

Red Hat Satellite 6 offers a single pane of glass view of an organisation’s entire Linux estate alongside the tools to keep it 100% secure and up to date. Companies with 3 or more Linux servers need this level of visibility which is why we recommend you make it easier for your team to manage them by introducing Red Hat Satellite 6.

Deployed separately or alongside Ansible, these tools make a very powerful difference to the wider estate.

Single management console for streamling Red Hat updates

Increasingly complicated environments, in particular private, public and hybrid clouds are difficult to manage and require more time from skilled managers. When it comes to your Linux estate, the way to cut through this is to deploy Red Hat Satellite 6. It’s an easy-to-use single management console built on innovative, open source technologies and it enables the effective and compliant management of Red Hat systems.

Red Hat Satellite 6 simplifies system management by automating and streamlining processes. It is scalable across geographically distributed systems and multiple platforms, physical to virtual as well as private and public clouds. It provides a single Content View of both software and configuration content and helps improve end-to-end system lifecycle management. In addition, it uses a centralised platform to ensure all server deployments are patched with the latest security fixes, bug fixes and product enhancements. Patches can be tested before you deploy them in your live environment.

In addition, Red Hat Insights proactively predicts and prevents potential problems before they occur.

Amazing visibility of Red Hat estates

We have deployed Red Hat Satellite 6 many times and our clients are amazed at the increased visibility it provides of their Red Hat estate and how this makes day-to-day operation so much easier.

About Quru

We are passionately committed to open source technologies and consider Red Hat technology a core part of the solutions we deliver. Quru is a Red Hat Premier Business Partner and we play a strong role in assisting Red Hat in the development of new open source solutions. An example of our close partnership is that a Quru consultant, Dhruv Ahuja was recognised as Red Hat Consultant of the Year 2012 for his innovative work on RHEV, Grid and Storage.

Quru is based in Somerset House on the banks of the Thames, right in the centre of London. More...